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What We Can Learn from These Badass Women of the "Silent Generation" About Living and Leading Without Fear

What We Can Learn from These Badass Women of the "Silent Generation" About Living and Leading Without Fear

By The Sunday Paper Team
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Meet the three badass women who transformed their industry forever—Barbara Walters, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Nancy Pelosi. The passing of Barbara Walters and RBG and the departure of Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker has brought newfound attention to their astonishing career trajectories and what we can learn from them.

At 45, Barbara Walters welcomed her career turning point as co-host of NBC’s “Today” show. It was a time when male anchors were guaranteed the first few interview questions were the unspoken rule. At 60, RBG was appointed to the Supreme Court. The dean questioned why female students were taking up the spots of men when she was attending Harvard Law School. At 47, Nancy Pelosi won her first election to Congress. She remains the most powerful woman in U.S. government history.

A late start in their careers is just one of the many things they share in common. We encourage you to find out more about their commonalities and the significance of their career path in this USA Today article.

Question from the Editor: Do you know any other badass women of the Silent Generation? Share their stories in the comments.

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