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Two Years After Losing Her Husband, TODAY Show Contributor Bobbie Thomas Is Dating Again—and Sharing Her Journey

Two Years After Losing Her Husband, TODAY Show Contributor Bobbie Thomas Is Dating Again—and Sharing Her Journey

By The Sunday Paper Team
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TODAY Show style editor Bobbie Thomas lost her husband Michael in December 2020, and now she’s slowly but surely reentering the dating scene in a new series on TODAY with Hoda & Jenna called “Bobbie Dates!” She’s also sharing her inspiring journey through her journal entries in “Bobbie’s Dating Diary,” where she gives an inside look into experiences such as trying out dating apps, debating the concept of “feeling ready,” dating as a single parent, and welcoming what’s ahead while not forgetting what’s behind her.

“Two years after losing my husband, I find myself intimately acquainted with my grief, yet anxious about not wanting to put my life on hold until I feel ‘better’ or ‘healed,’” Thomas wrote in her Dating Diary. “Michael’s absence still leaves a gaping hole in my heart. But in addition to the place he occupies, my son, Miles, also monopolizes my heart. And that is what pushes me to move forward…I want to show him how to look for the way forward and seek happiness. That starts with making space for my own joy and love.”

While she’s still learning the ropes of modern dating after more than a decade out of the game and navigating complicated feelings of getting back out there, Thomas says she’s excited for what’s to come and that she won’t be held back by her fears.

“Life is too short to wait for the perfect time or the perfect person,” Thomas added. “I’m ready to make space for the past, embrace the present and see where this journey takes me.”

You can read more from “Bobbie’s Dating Diary” and watch the latest updates from “Bobbie Dates!” on TODAY.

Question from the Editor: Do you have any experiences to share about finding love after losing someone important in your life or know of anyone else with a similar story?

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