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Sunday Paper Recommends—Week of December 4, 2022

Sunday Paper Recommends—Week of December 4, 2022

By The Sunday Paper Team
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At The Sunday Paper, we want to inspire you to gather at your table—virtually or with friends and family—and open your heart and mind to conversations that will move the needle. After all, the dinner table is where we connect on topics and map out the changes we can all make that’ll truly make an impact.

This week, to encourage your conversations, we recommend checking out the following:

What We're Reading:

To retire or not to retire, that is the question. In his new book Independence Day: What I Learned About Retirement from Some Who’ve Done It and Some Who Never Will, veteran LA Times columnist Steve Lopez combines interviews with expert analysis to explore what identity and life satisfaction means to different people. Read an excerpt of Independence Day here.

Comedian, actor, father, and writer Rob Delaney wrote a book to commemorate his son Henry, who died at the age of two to brain cancer. In A Heart That Works, Delaney shares his journey from anger and sadness to unending love. Now, Delaney hopes this book will help others who experienced a similar loss. Read our interview with Delaney here.

What We're Listening To:

In most cases, the word “citizen” is a noun, but it becomes a verb when meeting writer, activist, and comedian Baratunde Thurston. Is there an issue that makes you angry, yet you struggle to take action around it? Thurston’s podcast How To Citizen with Baratunde has you covered. In each episode, Thurston sheds light on extraordinary people who move humanity forward and improve society in innovative ways.

What We're Watching:

Mother-daughter duo Maria Shriver and Christina Schwarzenegger’s new documentary Take Your Pills: Xanax is streaming on Netflix—and we’re thrilled and proud. The film sheds light on the complicated world of anti-anxiety medication, weaving in powerful patient testimonials and insights from mental health experts. You can watch the documentary on Netflix, where it’s a top film. You can also read about what Maria and Christina love most about working together in our Sunday Paper feature here.

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