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St. Patrick’s Day by Jean Blewett

By The Sunday Paper Team
Copy to clipboard M389.2 48h70.6L305.6 224.2 487 464H345L233.7 318.6 106.5 464H35.8L200.7 275.5 26.8 48H172.4L272.9 180.9 389.2 48zM364.4 421.8h39.1L151.1 88h-42L364.4 421.8z
St. Patrick’s Day by Jean Blewett

There's an Isle, a green Isle, set in the sea,    

Here's to the Saint that blessed it!

And here's to the billows wild and free    

That for centuries have caressed it! 

Here's to the day when the men that roam    

Send longing eyes o'er the water!

Here's to the land that still spells home    

To each loyal son and daughter! 

Here's to old Ireland—fair, I ween,    

With the blue skies stretched above her!

Here's to her shamrock warm and green,

And here's to the hearts that love her!

- Jean Blewett

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