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Still in the Game: New Campaign Starring Veteran Storytellers Challenges Hollywood to #RethinkAging

Still in the Game: New Campaign Starring Veteran Storytellers Challenges Hollywood to #RethinkAging

By The Sunday Paper Team
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In a video released this past week, a smiling George Takei captivated us.

“We’re still doing cool stuff,” said the beloved actor, right to the camera. “In fact, at 85 years old, I’m just about to make my London stage debut!”

Takei is one of the many acclaimed voices gathering for the new campaign titled #RethinkAging. In partnership with the University of Southern California Annenberg’s Norman Lear Center, the campaign is pushing for Hollywood to create more space to encourage and tell the nuance, captivating, and ever-relevant stories of older adults.

Joining Takei in the video are industry greats Mimi Kennedy, who said she’s “a mere child of 74,” George Wallace, Norman Lear, and Marla Gibbs. Their message is captivating and inspiring, spanning storytelling, sex, beauty, and humor.

But mostly, they want us to know that age isn’t a number: it’s a mindset. As Gibbs, who says that “91 is the new 30,” believes, there is always room for more: “We’ve never stopped living a life that’s vibrant and complex, honey.”

You can learn more and watch the full video here .

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