Prayers of the Week
Inclusive prayers to provide hope, inspiration and positivity all week long
Prayer of the Week
Dear God,
Help me to stay hopeful in turbulent times. Give me the vision and discipline to find a sacred space that allows me to connect with myself and, from there, with others. Remind me that I am invaluable, that I am lovable, and that my light is desperately needed in this world.
Prayer of the Week
Dear God,
May I treat each day like a fresh start and a new chance to become who I want to be. Every moment you’ve granted us is a gift and an opportunity. Don’t let us take that for granted.
Prayer of the Week
Dear God,
When life feels like a lot, help me remember that you’ve already given me everything I need to find my way through.
Prayer of the Week
Dear God,
Please help me remember to be brave and find my truths deep within. When life makes me laugh and love, and even when it makes me cry or reinvent, let me remember to stay hopeful and keep learning, trying, and growing. Transformation is always possible, we just have to be open to it.
Prayer of the Week
Dear God,
Ahead of this Fourth of July, help us have faith in what's possible. Help us believe that our best days are ahead of us. Help us see that we can work together to make it so.
Prayer of the Week
Dear God,
May we never forget that the best of humanity is all around us. We just have to open our eyes and look for it. It's so easy to feel alone or excluded or like everything is doom or gloom, but there is so much good in our midst. Let us open our hearts and honor it.
Prayer of the Week
Dear God,
Please help me remember how lucky and blessed I really am. When the world or our minds try to convince us to believe otherwise, encourage us to connect with one another and remember how the power of connection can heal our worries, doubts, and loneliness.
Prayer of the Week
Dear God,
Help us all remember that we deserve to be treated with dignity, respect, and love. Even when we don't believe in ourselves, allow us to believe in one another and find our hope through believing in a better world.
Prayer of the Week
Dear God,
May I embrace this new year to its fullest, for now is all we have. May I live out loud and cherish every breath, every moment, every person I love, and every opportunity that comes my way. May I embrace what it means to be alive and never take this gift you’ve given me for granted.
Prayer of the Week
Dear God,
Please help me remember to look for the good around us and within myself, rather than telling myself narratives that make me feel fearful or sad. There is a lot more to feel good about and be hopeful about than we realize. We just have to look around and connect with one another.