Prayers of the Week
Inclusive prayers to provide hope, inspiration and positivity all week long
Prayer of the Week
Dear God,
It’s so easy to get caught up in my own thoughts, feelings, or fears, but help me never forget that my experiences are part of our collective experience. None of us are truly going at it alone, so we shouldn’t try to isolate or ignore problems that feel too big for any one person. We’re in this together.
Prayer of the Week
Dear God,
Help me look past the doom and gloom and imagine the possibilities. May we believe in hope and remember that it’s so desperately needed. May we believe in ourselves and others to rise up and rise above.
Prayer of the Week
Dear God,
Allow me to honor any pain I’m feeling rather than fighting it or pushing it down. Help me be gentle with myself and others. Allow us to embrace pain and suffering and honor the role they play in our lives.
Prayer of the Week
Dear God,
Please help me show up for myself and others, both when it's easy and when it's hard. May I never underestimate how much a call, a text, or reaching my hand out to help might really mean
Prayer of the Week
Dear God,
As we head into December and into the coming holidays, allow us to be gentle with ourselves and others. May we remember that the best gift of all is this very moment. Let us cherish every breath.
Prayer of the Week
Dear God,
May I be so grateful this week for all that you have given me. Even when I long for what was, let me appreciate what I have now and be grateful for what’s yet to come.
Prayer of the Week
Dear God,
Please help me use my words and my voice for good. Help me be gentle and kind with myself and extend the same courtesy to others.
Prayer of the Week
Dear God,
Help me to practice balancing in a world filled with ceaseless motion. Give me the strength to not put on blinders to all that is wrong in the world. Instead, let me make a meaningful difference as I move forward from my peace.
Prayer of the Week
Dear God,
Help me deal with life's uncertainties and trust that you're carving a path for me that's uniquely my own.
Prayer of the Week
Dear God,
Give me the courage and the strength to be a cycle breaker. Wherever there are destructive patterns that need changing—be it in my life, in my community, or in our nation—help me be brave enough to rise up, speak up, and take a stand for doing better.