Dear God,
May we remember that the best of humanity is around us. We just have to look for it and believe in it.
Inclusive prayers to provide hope, inspiration and positivity all week long
Dear God,
May we remember that the best of humanity is around us. We just have to look for it and believe in it.
Dear God,
In these trying times, help us listen, share, and offer comfort to those we love or want to better understand. Let us have each other's backs with compassion and do what we can to make one another feel seen and heard.
Dear God,
Please give all of us who are affected by conflict and division your guidance and protection. May we not be torn apart from within. Help us show love, compassion, and kindness to one another and tread gently during these heartbreaking times.
Dear God,
When times get hard or situations get frustrating, don’t let us give up. Help us take a beat, take in a deep breath, and build up the courage to move forward, one step at a time, together.
Dear God,
Please help me seize this moment and believe in what’s possible in my life, my family, my community, and my country. Please help me see the vision you have for my life and pave a way forward that’s good for us all.
Dear God,
As we cry out for change, help us find hope. May we find it with ourselves and within each other. May we see what’s possible if we believe in each other. Help us get up off the sidelines, rise up, and do what we can to make things better together.
Dear God,
May I be grateful for the gift of time you’ve given me. May I savor this present moment, honor my life, and cherish this opportunity you've granted me to live out an authentic, meaningful life.
Dear God,
May I set forth into this fall season with a sense of hope and optimism about the path ahead. Help me to pace myself and care for myself, while granting others the space to do the same.
Dear God,
May I be so grateful this week for all that you have given me. Even when I long for what was, let me appreciate what I have now and be grateful for what’s yet to come.
Dear God,
In this world filled with noise, help my heart and mind find peace and quiet. From that rest, give me the strength to usher in healing. Remind me to put down the weight of aloneness whenever it arrives and see the bravery within me.