Politics Threatened to Divide One Family. This Book of Photos Brought Them Together.
Take me into those early days of your realization that many of your family members were Trump supporters. What was that like for you?
I'll never forget one moment: I was at a doctor's appointment with my newborn daughter and got a text from my dad. It was a photo of him with Omarosa at a Trump fundraiser. I was in a state of shock, to be honest. I didn't know how we were going to live through this and not have negative long-term effects in our family.After Trump won, did you have a sense that photographing your family would help you navigate your differences?
Just a few weeks after the 2016 election, I went to my parents' house for Thanksgiving…a holiday I photograph every year. That year, my camera felt like my armor. I think it was that day when I decided that taking pictures would be how I'd try to navigate it all. It was how I would confront it face on. 'Mom in her living room.' © Gillian LaubDo you think photographing your family helped you see them in a different light than you otherwise would have if you weren't taking pictures?
There is so much love in my family; I come from incredibly loving and kind people. I think in some ways, taking pictures of them was an effort to see beyond their political views. It was such a confusing time because my parents and I have so many shared values. That's why our different thoughts about Trump felt like an existential crisis. But turning to what I always turn to when I'm trying to make sense of the world…my camera…helped me hold out hope that this too shall pass. 'Dad playing golf.' © Gillian LaubWhat's your best advice for the rest of us who might find ourselves in a similar situation, strongly disagreeing with someone we love?
I think most people think the answer is to not talk about it…to just keep conversations on a surface level. But I don't think that's the answer. That may avoid blowup fights, but it also means you're not being real with each other. And life's too short to not show up as your real, authentic self.The truth is, I think taking pictures of my family and talking about our differences has led to a more honest, transparent, and deeper relationship. I was lucky in that I had the outlet of my work to process my thoughts and feelings. My camera was the tool for me to open my mind and heart. But all of us can do this…with or without a camera…by finding the empathy within ourselves, first.One of my best friends has a similar situation as I do in that she's liberal and her father voted for Trump. She called me at one point last year, when her father was in the hospital and dying, and shared how she was filled with so much regret. She urged me not to do what she'd done…not to focus on the differences I had with the people I love most in the world and instead, remember the love. That had a huge impact on me.If the last 18 months of living through this global pandemic have taught me anything it's that life is short, and our relationships are the most important things we have. If there's a silver lining of what we've all been through it's the knowing that those relationships are worth fighting for. There's nothing more powerful and healing than unconditional love. 'My quarantine birthday.' © Gillian LaubTo learn more about Gillian Laub and her work, visit gillianlaub.com.Please note that we may receive affiliate commissions from the sales of linked products.