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Overwhelmed by the News? Peggy Fitzsimmons Says Decluttering Your Space Can Help You Find More Peace

Overwhelmed by the News? Peggy Fitzsimmons Says Decluttering Your Space Can Help You Find More Peace

By Peggy Fitzsimmons
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Many of us are experiencing an unsettling sense of disconnection—from ourselves, from each other, and from the truth of our souls. The relentless headlines and fear-inducing narratives have our heads spinning, hearts breaking, and legs wobbly with uncertainty. The good news is we can create the conditions for more connection. It begins at home and within. The way forward is to take an honest look at our inner and outer environments and let go of the clutter that no longer serves.

Releasing requires us to reconnect with two aspects that live within each of us: the soul and the ego. The soul is eternal, inherently wise, and loving. It knows peace, joy, and gratitude. It is free and unattached yet deeply grounded and connected to everyone and everything. Its mantra is “I am enough, you are enough, and there is enough.” In contrast, the ego is the image we construct of ourselves; the beliefs, needs, roles, and possessions we identify with in the world. The ego is concerned with self-preservation, success, and survival. It knows fear, competition, and scarcity. It sees us as separate from all other beings and the earth itself. Its mantra is “I am not enough, you are not enough, and there is not enough.”

All forms of clutter are our ego made visible. It might be mental clutter, such as fear, resistance, and judgments. Or emotional clutter like sadness, anxiety, and rage. It can be energetic clutter, such as striving, needing, and agitation. Or relationship clutter like jealousy, disharmony, and status-seeking. Very often it’s the most noticeable of all clutter, a house full of things you don’t truly love or really need. Clutter leaves us drained, overwhelmed, ungrounded, and disconnected from ourselves and others.

Releasing Clutter

To release clutter, we have to put our soul in the driver’s seat and keep our ego where it belongs, riding shotgun. Let’s start by setting an intention. Get quiet and ask to be shown what your soul is longing for right now. The answer may come as an image or a word or a phrase or a gut feeling. Trust what you perceive. Some examples are ease, lightness of being, enacting my vision, or balance. Once you identify your soul intention, it will serve as your guide. The things in your life that are not a match will reveal themselves. 

Rely on these questions as you declutter. Ask them about everything in your life—thoughts, feelings, energies, ways of relating, and possessions:

Does it contribute to my soul intention?

This question cuts directly to what is essential.  For example, does it create a sense of lightness of being or balance or help you enact your vision? If it doesn’t, let it go. 

Is it beautiful?

Simple enough, but one caveat. You may answer, “Yes, that is a beautiful vintage mirror” but if you prefer modern design, it would be a candidate for release. If it isn't beautiful to YOU, let it go.

Is it useful?

You may say, “I think this shame feeling keeps me safe, so yes, it is useful," when in reality it stops you from sharing your soul gifts. If it’s not truly useful, let it go.

Does it love me back?

The things that love you back make your heart sing. In their presence, your energy lights up and you say, “Oh, I LOVE that!” If your inner or outer stuff doesn’t evoke that feeling, let it go.

Is it in present time?

If you hang out in past time, you’ll have a file cabinet that barely opens, skinny clothes in your closet, and lots of regrets. If you hang out in future time, you’ll have an overabundance of worry and paper towels, and a tendency to think "I have to keep this, just in case.” If it’s not who you are now, and in present time, let it go.

Does it have a sacred place to live?

Of all the things in this great big world, you’ve chosen these particular things to fill your inner and outer spaces. That automatically makes them sacred and deserving of a place of honor. And worthy of being kept clean and neat, easily accessible, and appreciated. If it doesn’t have a sacred place to live, let it go.

Does it help me serve my love to the world?

Your soul knows the unique ways you are meant to love. If something in your life doesn’t help you serve your love to the world, it no longer serves you. Let it go.

Reconnecting with Ourselves

Here are some strategies to release clutter and reconnect to your true nature:

Soften into Acceptance

As you go through your day, practice engaging with what is in front of you, not your story about it. For example, if you are washing dishes, be present with that. You are simply washing the dishes. There is nothing to resist. But you might notice a familiar narrative joins you at the sink. It mutters under your breath: “I can’t believe I’m stuck doing the dishes again! No one else helps and they are so unappreciative of all I do! I’m sick and tired of this family and I’m gonna go live on an island by myself!” Listen for your stories, the “greatest hits” of your ego soundtrack. They are active all day long. Smile at them. Feel the resistance in them. Acceptance is the antidote for resistance. So, soften into acceptance whenever you can. Acceptance clears the mind, liberates the energy tied up in resistance, and enables our inner wise self to create solutions. 

Trust Your Intuition 

We rely on the “fake news” of our ego as our primary source of information. But the soul is also a source of information. It speaks in a lower volume and a different language. It communicates through intuition, sending subtle guidance our way. Consult with your soul self often, in matters large and small. What food would nourish me right now? What choice will create peace within me? What action is the most loving to me and others? An answer may come in the form of words, images, or a feeling in your bones. Trust what you receive. And then practice following that guidance, even when your ego, and other egos, try to convince you otherwise.

Affirm the Soul

Be on the lookout for soul energies within yourself and others, such as love, enthusiasm, gratitude, compassion, and contentment. Pay special attention to the energy you bring to relationships. Commit to be with others with your presence, not your solutions. Speak from your soul voice rather than your ego, which criticizes, fears, and doubts. Trust people to make their own decisions. The ultimate relational state is to be a space where others can let go of whatever they need to let go of. Show up like a big old redwood tree with wide interconnected roots, still and listening, so that nothing in you interferes with that.

I will leave you with some homework to experience one of the best soul energies—the energy of sharing. Be a living example that there is enough to go around by releasing five of your no-longer-needed possessions to someone who truly needs them. Enjoy the flow of giving and receiving that is true connection!

Peggy Fitzsimmons has helped many people get their houses in order through intensive decluttering. A former staff of the Omega Institute, she was a consulting producer on Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul Sunday. In her book Release: Create a Clutter Free and Soul Driven Life, she shares spiritual and practical insights for living in alignment with our true soul nature. To learn more visit

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