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News Above the Noise—Week of February 16, 2025

News Above the Noise—Week of February 16, 2025

By The Sunday Paper Team
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1. A Timeline of NYC Mayor Eric Adam’s Bribery Case and Subsequent Resignation of Federal Judges

In September, Adams was indicted on federal charges of fraud, bribery, and corruption. But, just this week, The Justice Department, under acting Deputy Attorney General Emil Bove, directed federal prosecutors to drop the case, setting off a wave of resignations. Bove says that the case is interfering with Adams’ ability to handle NYC’s illegal immigration issues. What is going on?

2. The 5 P’s

Writer and founder of Citizen University, Eric Liu, provides a framework for civic engagement during turbulent times that he calls the 5 P’s: Patterns, Perspective, People, Place, and Power. Read more about how you can remain vigilant, resist authoritarianism, find common ground, and organize your community during political upheaval.

3. “Go Deep or Go Home”

What makes a good conversation? And why is lively dialogue harder for some people than others? In his latest for The Atlantic, Arthur C. Brooks shares his acrostic T.A.L.K, for truly connecting with people over dinner and beyond: Topics, Asking, Levity, Kindness. Plus, find out why in-depth conversation is the key to engagement.

4. Overstimulated? Or Overwhelmed?

Feeling “overstimulated” has become a bit of a buzzword in conversations and on social media. But, what does it actually mean? Defined as sensory overload, people with PTSD, autism, anxiety and ADHD are prone to overstimulation. Whereas, you may be feeling a sense of overwhelm due to an extremely fast-paced life. Here’s how to spot the difference.

Editor's Note: Every week, The Sunday Paper's team of journalists sift through the news to find what Rises Above the Noise, makes sense of what's happening in the world, and provides hope for your week to come. While we do our best to provide our own informative summary of each piece, some publications require their own subscriptions beyond our control.

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