My Sunday 'To Be' List
I want–
'To be” A BRIGHT SIDE SEEKER. To be a joy excavator. To remember that everything works out in the end, so if it hasn't worked out, it's not the end.
'To be” A DOOR OPENER, constantly creating new opportunities and uplifting others, and willing to open doors to new adventures for myself, too.
'To be” FREE OF EXPECTATIONS…good or bad – so when good things happen I can be delightfully surprised (and let's be honest, expectations are just premeditated resentments anyway right?).
'To be” A TRAMPOLINER who always bounces back. During Covid I bought a mini trampoline and not only is it great exercise and amazing for your immune and lymph system, but I love the idea of bouncing back.
'To be” A NURTURER…of my child, my love, my family, my friends, my creativity, my garden, my soul.
'To be” COMFORTABLE WITH UNCERTAINTY, because certainty is a lie we tell ourselves to calm ourselves.
'To be” A WONDERER AND A WANDERER. To always be wondering instead of knowing, and to be willing to wander and find a new path.
'To be” EVOLVING. May I always be growing, learning, and never stay stagnant, so that I age with grace and joy.
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