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Move Humanity Forward

Move Humanity Forward

By Stacey Lindsay
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In 2019, Brenda Tracy, a mother of two, shared her story of how she was the victim of domestic violence in front of a room filled with athletes at North Carolina State University. Tracy's harrowing recounts made a lasting impression on James Smith-Williams, then a senior defensive end for North Caroline State's football team. After hearing Tracy's story, Smith-Williams became an ambassador for her nonprofit, Set The Expectation, which raises awareness and resources to prevent sexual assault and domestic violence.We applaud Tracy for having the strength to tell her story, and Smith-Williams for stepping forward and taking action toward good.Read more about their efforts in the Washington Post.

Stacey Lindsay

Stacey Lindsay is a journalist and Senior Editor at The Sunday Paper. A former news anchor and reporter, Stacey is passionate about covering women's issues. Learn more at:

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