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Fred Guttenberg and Scarlett Lewis—Leaders in the Fight Against Gun Violence—Discuss What Must Happen to Protect Our Nation's Children

Fred Guttenberg and Scarlett Lewis—Leaders in the Fight Against Gun Violence—Discuss What Must Happen to Protect Our Nation's Children

By The Sunday Paper Team
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Following this past week's mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, The Sunday Paper mobilized conversations about why these senseless acts of violence continue to happen and what we can do to enact some sort of meaningful change. Check out these two Sunday Paper Conversations below.

Maria's brother, Tim Shriver, is the co-founder of UNITE, an initiative to promote national unity and solidarity across differences. This week, Tim sat down with Scarlett Lewis, the founder of the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Foundation, an organization started following the death of Scarlett's son, Jesse, in the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting. The pair discuss the importance of choosing love in the midst of grief and pain and we're grateful for the wisdom they shared in this Sunday Paper Live! Watch their full conversation below.

You can follow Scarlett on X (Twitter) and listen to her podcast ChooSELove Movement.

In May 2022, Maria sat down with Fred Guttenberg, an activist working toward common sense gun laws who was moved to action after his daughter, Jaime, was murdered in the 2018 Parkland school shooting. During their Conversation Above the Noise, Fred tells Maria that he feels that this moment is different that ones in the past, and there is reason for hope for meaningful change. Watch their full Conversation below, and check out Fred's organization Orange Ribbons for Jaime.

Check out Fred's February 14, 2020 piece Fred Guttenberg Remembers His Daughter, Takes on Gun Violence Two Years After Parkland. You can follow Fred on X (Twitter) and visit his website. Check out his book, American Carnage: Shattering the Myths That Fuel Gun Violence (School Safety, Violence in Society).

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