How to Declutter Your Mind, Home, and Life
Maria Shriver’s Sunday Paper presents:
How to Declutter Your Mind, Home, and Life
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Are you ready for a revitalized mindset and a clutter-free, deeply meaningful life? We are, too! That’s why we created this free guide, so each of us can collectively rise above the noise and make space for what truly matters.
Drawing from the insight and expertise of our guest contributors, each article offers a unique perspective on decluttering to improve your lifestyle, your relationships, your mental health, your home, and so much more.
As a bonus, you’ll receive access to special Sunday Paper video content, featuring a guided meditation, Maria’s interview with Oprah and Arthur Brooks, and extended clips from Conversations Above the Noise with Maria, an exclusive series where Maria sits down with the greatest hearts and minds for our Sunday Paper PLUS membership community.
We’re so happy you’re here!
The Sunday Paper Team
A Guided Meditation to Bring You Deep Peace—Mentally, Physically, and Spiritually
With so much happening in the world, it can be tough to rest—even when you’ve taken some dedicated time off to do just that. Sarah Ezrin, an award-winning author, world renowned yoga educator, and Sunday Paper contributor understands—but she’s also here to remind you that you don’t have to be still to rest. In fact, she’s shared this exclusive, 10-minute moving meditation to help all of us tune out and tune in. The best part? “You can do this meditation wherever you may be—on a yoga mat, in your living room, standing in line at Starbucks,” says Ezrin. Watch and follow along below.
Oprah and Arthur Brooks on the Art and Science of Building a Happier Life in Every Decade
Maria, joined by her friends Oprah and Arthur C. Brooks, guides us on finding greater happiness, no matter the circumstances. Using art and science, the two have crafted a manifesto of happiness and joy for us all, giving us the tools to look inward and create the life we want.
James Clear Explains How Changing Your Systems Will Change Your Life
Maria and James Clear discuss why we should focus on the person we want to become instead of the results we’re looking to achieve, why building better systems for ourselves is critical to maintaining our goals, and how to make tiny, easy changes that deliver BIG results. (You can click here to watch the full Conversation Above the Noise with Maria and join our SP+ membership community.)
Yung Pueblo On Finding Mental Clarity to Heal Ourselves & Deepen Our Relationships
In this heartwarming conversation, Maria and Yung Pueblo discuss empowering ways to stay grounded in the face of uncertainty, strategies for finding mental clarity to map your wildly authentic way forward, how healing ourselves can spread throughout the world, and so much more. (You can click here to watch the full Conversation Above the Noise with Maria and join our SP+ membership community.)
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Even More Content to Help You Radically Reframe Your Clutter for a Fresh Start!
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